26 May 2008


Yesterday being one of the few Sundays we were in KL, my other half and I decided to spend some time at the book store. I told myself I'll buy only one book - after all I still have two and a half books unread. As often happens when we arrive at the book store I always end up buying more.Where books are concerned we as a family can never be disciplined. I ended up with four books and Repin three. I also asked Shasha to keep another book for me - One hundred years of solitude. I'll get that next month hopefully. Anyway I got Sidney Poitier's The Measure of a Man and Barrack Obama's The Audacity of Hope.
I'm reading the first chapter of The Measure of a man now and find it hard to put down. The language is simple enough but it flows like poetry. The words are powerful but very down to earth. I'll finish it soon I think.
There are also a few other books - of the romance variety that I'm reading at the same time. NOra Roberts latest - High Noon and The Hollow. I finished The Hollow last night and found it slightly more scary than any of her other books. It has a lot of suspense though and is about the perpetual war of good against evil. The Hollow is a trilogy, this being the second in the trilogy series. I think that Nora Roberts is better at family stories like the Ireland trilogy - Born in Fire, Born in ice and Born in Shame. In these books her characters are more realistic, more alive. There is depth and they are more mature. I think too she does more research for those books than any of her series.

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