3 Mar 2012

Eleven things...

It's been a thoroughly busy week - I was up to Kuala Lumpur twice this week and  every day up at 5.00 am and sleep at 1.00 am. Yesterday it was 2.00 am. Why you might ask? Well, first my husband lives in KL and visits me twice a week. He's there because he is still working and his office is there. I was there until last October when my youngest daughter Maisarah  graduated and was posted to the General Hospital in Malacca. As a new houseman, her work hours are horrible - 16 or 18 hours a day! From 6.30 am till 11.45 pm and she says there's so much work they have no time to rest or even eat. So being the concerned and caring mum that I am I stay with her, make sure she at least gets some hot food when she gets home from work and in every way make things as easy for her as I can. After all Malacca is also our home - its our hometown and we have a house here. The place in KL is only an apartment so no place to garden or do anything. Here at least I can do what I like best - garden!

And yesterday while going through the other blogs I saw Izdiher's call for the eleven things to answer. They are the following:

1.You look like ?

2.You live like ?

3.Where are your keys?

4.How much money do you have in your pockets at any moment?

5.You love those places where ......... ?

6.Where is Africa?

7.You are hooked to ?

8.What came first egg or hen?

9.Why Zebra wears striped dress ?

10.Why the sun is yellow?

11.Your dream bf/gf is ?

To tell the truth I don't know how to answer those questions!  But I will try...
Okay, number 1 - what do I look like? Is it fair to just paste my photo and let others decide? - Hmmm... is it cheating? So okay never mind I look like me - quite fair for a Malay, small sharp nose, normal shaped mouth and not very tall. Brown hair and eyes (natural ), Okay looking for a middle aged woman - a lot of people have thought me 10 years younger than I actually am! ha ha ha
How do I live? - Like a queen!  LOL  No... just a thought - if only - but how do queens live anyway? I'm a wife and mother so I guess I live like most of them - I clean and cook and keep house, I go shopping, I play games on the internet with my friends and I read Facebook. (very conservative Izdiher!)
My keys? What sort of question is that? They are where they always are - on the cabinet in the living room.
Money - that depends... but because I'm a housewife and do all my own shopping and groceries I keep a decent amount in my purse - I hate going to the ATM often.
I love places which has the 4 seasons - winter, spring, summer and autumn. Because my country has only 2 seasons - hot and wet and hot and wet - I appreciate any place that has changes in climate. I've lived in the US for a while and enjoyed the changing of the seasons.Even though sometimes I hated the winter months because its always cloudy and cold and it gets dark very early but I still enjy  the cold.
Africa? Hmmm how do I answer that? Look at the world map - you'll know then. It's somewhere west of Malaysia but east of America?
Oh I'm hooked to so many things - farm Story on the Ipad, blogging, gardening, reading, music of the early 60s...(Does that make me conservative) And I love to dance - only I do it at home...
Which comes first - chicken or egg? That's the eternal question Izdiher! One can never be sure! If I knew I'm sure I'd be a millionaire now...
Why does the zebra wear striped dress? To go to a party?
Why is the sun yellow? It only looks yellow, it's actually not - its just a ball of fire ( I think so anyway)
My dream b/f - I'm already married honey, so I have my dream b/f - he's smart (very smart since he's VP in a university), he's still good looking after 4 kids and almost 40 years of marriage, he's kind and loving although quite lazy in doing housework - and he can sing and has a good sense of humour which is very important in any relationship. But maybe I'd love to have Brad Pitt as a b/f (in my dreams of course since I'm no Angelina Jolie).
So my questions are:
1. What's your idea of a dream wedding?
2. What are your favourite books to read?
3 Who are your favourite heroes (from books, movies etc)
4.What would you do if you could control the world?
5. What is your favourite colour?
6.Why did the chicken cross the road?
7. Do you read all books till the end or do you skip pages and see the ending?
8. If you could be somebody for one day who would you be?
9. Which country do you want to see the most?
10. If you could live your life all over again are there things you would do or not do?
11. If you were stranded on a deserted island, what things (3 only) would want to have with you?
Tagged for


The Bookworm said...

oh wow, 16-18 hours a day at work! yikes!
It's good you take such good care of her.

lol I like your answers! living like a queen :P good for you.
Thats wonderful about 40 years of marriage, congratulations!

Here's mine:
1. What's your idea of a dream wedding? somewhere in a beautiful old church in Ireland in Springtime.

2. What are your favourite books to read?
Anything, especially historical fiction and romance

3 Who are your favourite heroes (from books, movies etc)
**see my blog, I just posted my favs :)

4.What would you do if you could control the world?
End world hunger immediately. No more wars either.

5. What is your favourite colour?

6.Why did the chicken cross the road?
Because it had to.

7. Do you read all books till the end or do you skip pages and see the ending?
I never skip pages.

8. If you could be somebody for one day who would you be?
A famous actress accepting an Oscar award.

9. Which country do you want to see the most?
Hmmmm...I have a few....maybe France first.

10. If you could live your life all over again are there things you would do or not do?
I'd be less trusting of certain people, unfortunately.

11. If you were stranded on a deserted island, what things (3 only) would want to have with you?
1. Swiss Army knife (although I'd probably not have any idea how to use it for hunting lol)
2. my iTouch
3. My collection of Jane Austen novels, all in one volume.

Kat said...

Lol Naida, I love your answers! I would have the same answers except for the country I want to visit - it's New Zealand! Somehow I've never been there yet!