4 Apr 2008


I'm back in this city state, this time alone. Took the last bus from KL - Odyssey too - and arrived in Singapore at about 12 am. Poor Rizal had to wait for me at the station around midnight! We reached Vistaya about 12.35am so after washing up I went straight to bed. In the morning there was my angel waiting for me. I looked after her for a while in the morning while Pohling went to her aunt's place to send some medicine and then to buy groceries.
She's even more active these says, can stand with support and even take some steps by grabbing hold of anything. She's very fast in her walker. Rizal says she can be very demanding and insists on getting her way when she wants something! Her main utterances when she's hungry - "mamamama..."
By the time Pohling came back I felt utterly exhausted and fell asleep for a few minutes on the couch! Imagine that.

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