16 Jun 2013

Growing pains

Yukie and Tommy are growing up and are now in need of surgery! I hate the job but Tommy is showing signs of wanting to "hump" poor Yukie, who hasn't got the itch yet. So on Thursday I took the two of them to the vet to have their "operation "done. Poor Yukie though. Tommy came back a bit dizzy but after an hour or so, is back again to his usual  naughty self, climbing out of his cage.

Playing together 
The little rascal, Tommy
Yukie, just aftter her operation 
Yukie however will take a longer time to get well - she is still dazed and blur the whole of Thursday and Friday. By Saturday though she shows signs of returning to normal - coming out of her cage and walking around the room. It took her almost a week though to get back to normal. 

1 comment:

The Bookworm said...

awwww...hope she feels better soon.