4 May 2011

At the hospital

We were supposed to go back to malacca that day. All I had to do was collect my mother in law from my brother in law's house and take her back to Melati.  She told me that she had a stomach ache but thinking it was one of her regular diaroeaa, thought it was okay. But suddenly on the highway her stomach cramps became worse and she started groaning in pain. I then made a split second decision and instead of going home, swerved to the Melawati town centre, where the Damai Service Hospital was. I rushed to the emergency counter and told them my mother in law was in the car and having stomach cramps.
She was groaning in pain. They carried her straight to the emergency room and a doctor was called. The doctor said it could be due to build up of acidic gases in her stomach leading to the cramps. Also she was a picky eater-  not liking everything that's supposed to be good for her, like milk, oats, unsweetened tea etc. And added to the number of medication she was taking every morning, it didnt help. She had pills for hyper tension, diabetes, liver problems and I don't know what else. All this while, as the doctor probed and poked, she was still groaning in pain. I asked the doctor - "Are you giving her something to relieve the pain?" "Yes," she said - and a fairly heavy dose too," said the doctor - an oldish lady with mannish manners, and a shock of dyed reddish hair, but a soft gentle voice, at odds with her appearance.

So my mother in law was admitted into the Damai Service Hospital that Friday afternoon and I had to relay the message to her various offspring. The first person to arrive was my husband, still in his office attire since he was supposed to have a meeting with some Health Ministry officials that afternoon. He cancelled the meeting however, to be with his mother. After some delay she was finally admitted to one of the rooms upstairs - small but complete with attached bathroom. The pain had not diminished, and she was still groaning in pain, clutching my hands like a child and saying, "It's painful Kat,... it's painful Kat..." all the while. I felt at a loss - what can one do in the face of so much pain? The nurse came in again and said she would give her one more jab of the pain killer and it was only after the jab, that she calmed down enough to sleep through.

She was kept in hospital for three days, and I stayed with her throughout. Well, at least I finished my book - Chasing Fire by Nora Roberts! Our plan of going back to Malacca was shelved and we all spent the weekend at the hospital instead. Well at least it wasn't anything serious - I mean nothing life threatening, though a gastritis problem can be quite painful I know. So much for our long Labour Day weekend plans!



I hope she will better very soon!

The Bookworm said...

oh my, I hope she gets well soon!