Forget not that the Earth delights to feel your bare feet and the Wind longs to play with your hair - Kahlil Gibran
17 Nov 2012
faithful companions - Mulan and Ginger
My constant companions wherever I sit - be it in the kitchen or upstairs at the computer, these two will sit with me for hours on end, never bored. But the moment I stand up to go downstairs they are alert and ready to move! Like faithful dogs, they follow me downstairs and wait there - if I am sitting at the kitchen table, they will just curl up on the carpet and sleep or like Mulan, above, stretch herself and see what happens.
They are too cute! And they do sound like they are faithful to you.
Isn't it lovely to have dog-quality=-like cats?
Hello! Happy New Year!
A very happy New Year to you too !
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