17 Jul 2011

Sarah and Bear Bear return home

Yesterday at 12.15 pm my daughter Sarah arrived home, or rather at KLIA. We had been texting each other since she was in Moscow airport - me because I was concerned about Bear Bear, her cat which she was bringing home to Malaysia finally. A lot of preparation had to be carried out before Bear Bear was actually allowed to come to Malaysia. The Russian authorities were very strict - his vaccinations and other documents had to be in order and he also had to take his anti -rabies shot exactly one month before departure. Then on the Malaysian side we had to get the papers from the Veterinary Department - import permit and so on. So finally the cat was allowed to be taken back here but first he had to undergo the journey - 6 hours by van from Nizhny Novgorod to Moscow, a stop at the Malaysian Embassy to get his permit stamped, then to the airport where there was a wait of another 5 hours before boarding. Bear bear had his own ticket, which costs us RM1200 - he would be in his cage in the plane with Sarah!

According to Sara he was a really good traveller - he was quiet most of the journey,only miawing for food early in the morning just before they were to arrive in Bangkok. In transit he was the centre of attraction - being a big cat (8 kg) and black a few people thought aloud whether Bear Bear was in fact a cat or a small lynx! In fact quite a few took pictures of him on the leash, walking around Bangkok airport.

Then here in KL, he had to be quarantined - luckily for a week - but much to Sara's disappointment because she had heard from a friend that her cat was not quarantined at all!  Anyway after some tears (from Sara) Bear Bear was finally released to the vet and taken to the Quarantine Department, a few kilometres away from the airport.

Of course to day we had to visit him at his quarantine place - and it was quite ok - spacious and airy. There were a few other cats with him (all in their own rooms) some were quite noisy and attention seeking.

Poor Bear Bear in the quarantine place

Bear Bear was quite stressed, judging from the furballs rolling off his back and his very quiet demeanor. In fact at first he wouldnt even acknowledge Sara who felt terribly guilty. We spent half an hour gently petting him and trying to make him relax. Looks like I will be driving to the Veterinary Department every day until he is released. Sara says she must visit him every day!


The Chair Speaks said...

Bear Bear's name is so apt.
Poor Bear Bear. Sending lots of purrs and hugs to him. Not to worry, a week will pass by quickly.

Ingrid said...

Poor Bear Bear ! I just imagine my Arthur in quarantaine, I think they would try to get rid of him immediately because when he starts to "sing" he has a voice like out of a horror movie !
Bear Bear will forget this bad adventure. Poor thing.

BTW the man standing at the water is a priest but unfortunately you haven't seen the gloriole in the water. It looks as if he wears it on his head, lol !


Beautiful cat!

The Bookworm said...

awwww....poor Bear Bear being in quarantaine :(

Kat said...

Thanks my friends for the messages of support. Bear bear is now home where he is adjusting to the temperature and the other cats. He still hides in Sara's room whenever a cat peeks in. Mulan the little firebrand is the most negative - she hisses loudly at him!