5 Jun 2011

Renovation project in Malacca (1)

After the wedding was over Repin and I decided to continue with our planned renovation of the Malacca house - we needed to increase the floor level to prevent flooding and this can only be done if we did some major changes to the outer verandah - cover the verandah, increase the floor level, add windows. I love bay windows so this is my chance to have one!

After a lot of discussion and looking at pictures on the internet, we decided to increase the floor level (by 8 inches) and cover the wrap around verandah that is already there. We would close the verandah area and build windows instead so the verandah will be an extension of the living room. Repin intends to have large windows that look on to the yard so that he can be as close to the garden as possible, without actually going to the garden! (LOL) He also wants to set his study there! For now, its dust, and noise every day - while they skin off the outer layers of the walls and add bricks to the lower level. The following are the while renovation pictures. I'll post some after pictures once renovation is complete!

The front door that will be added


Ingrid said...

I think that will look great once it is finished.

The Bookworm said...

best of luck with the renovation Kat! It will look wonderful I'm sure.

Nature Nut /JJ Loch said...

Sounds lovely, Kat! Can't wait to see the completed photos. :D

Have a super day, dear friend. JJ


Good lucks!

Kat said...

Thanks dear friends! Right now I've been busy doing oth things and haven't really had time to blog. Will do so just as soon as I'm able


That was not a peach tree in my last post...