26 Sept 2010

Nadia's engagement

Yesterday one of my nieces got engaged. Nadiah who is my sister Azizah's older girl is a lovely child and I'm glad that she's met someone nice. Before the ceremony, on Thursday I had called my sis. who was in deep panic mode. Crying and sobbing loudly over the phone she told me that the workers she'd called to renovate the house had not finished. The kitchen was in a shambles and there was dust everywhere. The wiring hadn't been fixed and there was no electricity. I just listened quietly and tried my best to calm her down. Since I was away in KL and would be home only on Saturday, there was nothing I could do. But I called all my other sisters and told them about Aziz's problem. "No problem, " they said.
And by Saturday, everything had been sorted out. Well we can't help about the kitchen but the wiring was done by Nan, my brother and so we had lights. The others took over the cooking job - Leila cooked the rice. Ita cooked the rendang and dal curry, Marina and Nyah Mila, an aunt, came over and helped clean the house. Jasmine did the cakes and biscuits for the bridegroom's side and Min, my sister in law prepared the vegetables. Since everything was done in their own houses, we didn't really have to use Aziz's unfinished kitchen - not much anyway. That's sisters for you and never was I glad and proud to have sisters like these. Yesterday I saw that the boys (all our nephews) were very helpful when guests started arriving. While some of them ushered the guests, the others cleared tables and more others washed the used dishes. We didn't even need outside workers! It was a totally family effort and I felt so proud to see them.

One of the gifts for the groom                                                             Nadiah's future mum in law putting the ring onto her finger

You see both our parents had passed away when we were all fairly young. I was in my 30s but being eldest I had to take over the job of being mum and dad to a family of 13, three of whom were still in college, the youngest was only 18 years old and had just finished her SPM.  When my youngest sisters got married, it was my sister Leila and I who arranged everything - and we did it without the usual fights and arguments that normally abound even in families with both parents intact. So yes, I'm proud of them - my younger brothers and sisters. We're a tight bunch and even my own cousins are envious of us. We  have planned family days - at a resort somewhere where we have games and karaoke sessions and prizes to be won - all sponsored by everyone in the group who could afford it. Sometimes I wish our parents were alive to see us - I'm sure they'd be very proud. My dad would have been about 78  now and mum would have been  75.


The Chair Speaks said...

Sisters are wonderful! Am glad you have many; I have none.

Ingrid said...

That certainly will be a big feast ! Unfortunately young couples are not getting engaged anymore in Belgium. Sometimes they don't even get married but have a house and children together.

BTW I paint my cats after photos, they would never hold still such a long time, lol !

Kat said...

Yes, I agree I'm blessed with many sisters. So Gattina now I know your secret! Ha ha..

The Bookworm said...

Beautiful! Congratulations.
It does sound like you are very close to your sisters, that is wonderful.


Anonymous said...

Stumbled upon your blog while bloghopping. My father's 80, my mother's 72, I am in my late 20s and the youngest of 8. Everyday I thank Allah for having them in my life. EVERYDAY.

Thank you for sharing a wonderful family story, and reminding me to be thankful again.