Today I finally sold my Kia. However after sending it off into Mr Wong's hands I felt rather sad - its been with me for a long time and whatever they say about the Kia, my Spectra has always been loyal to me. For a long time while I was still in govt service, I drove it all over the Peninsula. I went to Kota Baru in it with Maziyan, to JB once, again with Maziyan. I also went to Penang, Perlis and Kedah in it - twice actually. Once with Maziyan before she got promoted to Head of Dept and once with Sharifah. That's a pretty long way and many kilometres of travel. So of course I feel sentimental about this black beauty of mine. We are selling mainly because I hardly use it anymore now that I'm not working and we also have the Livina for most of my travels around KL and Malacca.
Talking of cars - my fave is always the X Trail. It's elegant yet utilitarian and a great lady's 4WD. Better than all those huge hunkies such as the Mitsubishi and Toyota 4WD. I love driving it - it's smooth and quiet, fast when you want it to be and quite good at corners and such. But it does gobble up the gas which was one reason why Repin wanted to change it. The Livina is not as quiet but its a saver where petrol economy is concerned. And like the X Trail the Livina can also speed like nobody's business. The other day while driving back to Malacca I went at 140 without even realising it and could have gone further if not for the fact that I was scared of the speed traps. Hmm just like the X trail. Now my Kia and even the Protons that I used before were always a bit shaky after 130. Even when they were brand new.
There's another thing on my mind now - the Family day we're going to have on 26 December 2009. This is the very first time I'm joining the family day (my family's, not Repin's). They have it every year actually. It started off as a kind of holiday thing with Yah being the main sponsor but lately it has expanded into a real family day with games and stay overs at resorts etc. So this time, after being made to feel guilty by Yah and gang, I've decided I will join them. And they've put me in charge of the prizes!
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