Chinese New Year Holidays mean the balik kampung rush begins. That is one thing that is unique about KL - come any holiday and we have the general exodus back to hometowns all over the peninsula. I still remember setting that question for the MUET and the best essay for that year - using Lat's cartoon to stimulate the students. Actually we didn't get any really good essay (no Band 6) so I had to write the Band 6 essay to get a sample. To avoid debate I did not say that I was the writer (or maybe it was pure cowardice) but to cut a long story short, most of the examiners accepted it without question as a Band 6 essay, though Usha did comment that the style of writing seemed familiar. (LOL)
This CNY season however there was no real rush to go back home. I left early - on Friday morning around 11 am so I missed most of the jam on the highway. AS usual the moment I arrive home my heart lifts in a song. I go around the garden to look at the plants (some are wilting under the fierce afternoon sun) but the roses, especially the red ones are blooming. My peach colored hibiscus looks really gorgeous - each flower looks as big as a dinner plate! However the beautiful yellow ones are looking a bit the worse for wear - maybe its high time I take some cuttings and plant new ones to replace them. Oh yes my longan is also growing well as are my kailan! And the impatiens that I took from Lela - surprisingly - are also doing well, though looking a bit fragile. Still they are under the shade and with a bit of extra water, will definitely add colour to my garden once they're bigger. I went to Leela Brito today and saw her garden - she's got some new plants which she grouped into an old barbeque stove - quite innovative I thought. I might do something like that too - have to look into the store room to see what I can use instead of a barbeque thing.
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