Its been a while since I last wrote. Too much going on and at the same time my heart is back home in Melaka - wondering what's happening to my plants, my roses my fish pond.
Last week it was the OUM convocation - only one day but a really busy day. First thing on Saturday 8 December we had to be at PWTC for the convo. But our day began even before that - we stayed at Legend and the evening before we were there at the hall looking at the preparations. The rehearsal started around 5.30pm. Datin seri Jeanne came around 5.40 pm, looking rushed and a bit tired. She wore a simple brownish top - kurong like with harem pants. It looks good on her I thought. The rehearsal went well and we all went back after 7pm.
The convocation started at 8.30 am the next day.
8 -12-2007
The convocation has a lot of pomp and glamour! For a new university, OUM does indeed follow a lot of traditions wghich I guess is good - it helps gives confidence, an identity and pride to its students. But for us who have to sit through it all, it can be pretty boring. Luckily it ended at around noon. Then there was lunch which Repin and I had to host. Not a bad bunch of people at our table - we had Dr Mahmood from Egypt, Datuk Panglima and his wife - one of the Meteor board members, the VC of the Open University, Indonesia and his wife and a couple from the UN University, Tokyo.